Jeanne Backofen Craig

I'm a wife, mother, pianist, and runner living in Central Virginia.
You can learn more about me at
My videos can be found on my YouTube channel.

Thursday, January 5, 2017

"This Beer Tastes Like Llama Spit."

I've been a fan of humor writer Dave Barry since I was in my teens.  A line from one of his columns has always stuck in my mind.

"This beer tastes like llama spit."

I thought of my first experience drinking beer (in college at a frat party), and I totally agreed with Dave Barry.  I couldn't figure out why anyone would drink this stuff except to try to get drunk.  Surely no one drank it for the taste.

Now, granted, being a frat party, I'm sure they were probably serving Milwaukee's Best (more commonly known as "Beast"), so it wasn't exactly top quality, but in my younger days I really could not discern any difference between that and supposedly better beers.  They all tasted like llama spit (or, what I imagine llama spit might taste like)

Fast-forward a couple decades.  I no longer hate beer.  It's not my beverage of choice and I don't drink it very often.  Maybe part of it is that we only buy craft beers now, which my husband swears are a lot better, but I imagine my 21-year-old self would still say it tastes like llama spit.

What's going on here?  I can think of several things I eat or drink now that I hated as a child.  Coffee.  Fish.  Coconut.  Yogurt.

Also... Grapefruit.  I remember the first time I ever saw a cut grapefruit when I was a kid.  It looked lusciously delicious.  I was told to sprinkle a little sugar on it (so I did) and then I scooped out a section.  BLEH!!!!  I remember sprinkling sugar on it over and over again so it wouldn't taste so sour.

This weekend, Kroger had grapefruits on sale, so I bought a bag of 6.  I almost didn't because I remembered how much I disliked it as a child, but I wondered... maybe it will be different now.

I suppose I should not have been surprised, but I only had to sprinkle a half teaspoon of sugar on my cut grapefruit and it tasted just fine to me.

What's going on here?  Why do our tastes change over time?  I joke that maybe our taste buds die off as we age.  Who knows.  That might be a fun question to Google someday when I have some spare time.  At least my taste buds seem to appreciate healthier foods these days.

If you're interested in the "llama spit" column, I found it (thanks to Google).  It still makes me laugh as much as it did in 1992.   The Beer Facts

1 comment:

  1. Ha! I had stuff change on me like that! Later, I read that certain food flavors (bitter, in particular, also sour) the taste buds don't fully develop and mature until about age 19-20. The article mentioned things like black olives, coffee, grapefruit etc. I remember as a kid growing up in Florida doing the sugar trick. Then later as an adult, I learned a trick of eating a little bit of salt made the "sour" grapefruit taste sweeter. Now I just eat grapefruit straight!!

    Llama spit.... yea, not so much. Although... with so many of the new Craft beers available in Kansas (can you say, "Roll over, Carrie Nation!!"?), I have discovered a few craft beers that I can tolerate... in the hot weather... not very often...
