Jeanne Backofen Craig

I'm a wife, mother, pianist, and runner living in Central Virginia.
You can learn more about me at
My videos can be found on my YouTube channel.

Saturday, March 11, 2017

This Weisswurst Is Making Me Thirsty - Have You Drunk Your Water Today?

The title of my blog today is a reference to a Seinfeld episode.
"These pretzels are making me thirsty!"

We discovered weisswurst in Munich.  We liked it so much that my husband ordered it three times.  I ate it twice.  Of course, everywhere you eat in Munich, you have to drink their beer.  I mean, it's Germany.  You just *have* to drink their beer!  I am not much of a beer drinker, but even I liked it a lot.  We especially liked their Munchen Dunkel.  I ordered a liter at the Hofbrauhaus.

But now let me sing a specific praise of America.  Water.  I never realize how much water I drink daily until I go to Europe.  In American restaurants, the first thing the server does is bring everyone a glass of water.  Even if you're drinking something else, you can ask for water, and they keep refilling it during the course of your meal.

Not so in Europe.  And while their beverages are all very fine and delicious, what invariably happens shortly after my meal is I feel thirsty.  VERY thirsty.  Even after drinking a lot of beer.  I suppose being so used to water, beer and other beverages just don't quench my thirst.  

So on this trip, we each bought a big bottle of still water at the grocery store.  (In Europe most water you find in the grocery store is carbonated "with gas" and that doesn't quench my thirst, either.)  Every time we went back to the hotel, we drank water.  It still wasn't nearly as much as we drink on a daily basis here, but it helped.

Back home now, I realize how easy it is to get those 8 glasses per day that are so good for our health.  Have you had your water today?

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