Jeanne Backofen Craig

I'm a wife, mother, pianist, and runner living in Central Virginia.
You can learn more about me at
My videos can be found on my YouTube channel.

Monday, January 9, 2017

Resisting the Baking Frenzy

As you may know, I've recently begun tracking my nutrition again after a long, long time away.  Boy, was I overeating.  Here's one thing that causes me to struggle with overeating (and eating poorly).

Baking treats for my family.

My kids are older now (15, nearly 18, and 20), but I still love to bake goodies for them and my husband.  However, none of us are terribly good at self-moderation when it comes to goodies, so they disappear rather quickly and then I make more.  Sometimes I make a whole ton of dough at one time.  Sometimes I freeze a lot of it to make at a later date, but other times I just make dozens and dozens of cookies.  My husband refers to these times as my "Baking Frenzies."

I reorganized our pantry a few days ago, and here's what I found on my "baking shelf."

Whoa!  Leading up to Christmas, the stores have those Nestle Winter morsels for sale.  I always buy a bunch because that's the only time of year they sell them.  Normally I'd probably only have 2-3 bags of chips in the pantry.

I don't like clutter, and seeing all those chip bags nearly sent me into another baking frenzy.  However, I resisted.  I didn't make any goodies this week.  This certainly helped with my food choices, but I don't want to go the rest of my life without eating treats.  I'm sure my family doesn't, either.

Perhaps I will make one batch per week and that's it.  Maybe it would help to put them in individual containers for each person so we each have a better idea what we're consuming.  Our kids are fortunate to have inherited our fast metabolisms, but unfortunately some of them seem to have inherited my mindless snacking.  I hope I can help them learn to curb that behavior now so they don't have to struggle with it like I am now.

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