Jeanne Backofen Craig

I'm a wife, mother, pianist, and runner living in Central Virginia.
You can learn more about me at
My videos can be found on my YouTube channel.

Monday, January 30, 2017

A Powerful Ally It Is

Have you ever watched hummingbirds for an extended amount of time?  They are amazing little creatures.  We have had a hummer feeder for many years now.  My husband once remarked, "It's a good thing hummingbirds are not big, because boy, they are mean!"  He's right.  A hummingbird will fight and chase off others that try to come to the feeder.  They chitter away at each other, dueling in the air, and you can hear their little beaks clashing.  They are tiny birds with big attitudes.

I am physically small in stature - about 5'4" and very petite.  I can identify with hummingbirds in a way, because I don't feel small at all.  Our former pastor once told me I'm like a "hummingbird on speed" which he demonstrated by flapping his arms rapidly and saying, "Vzzzz!  Vzzzz!  Vzzzz!"  I'm usually busy and full of energy.

Those who are Star Wars fans are familiar with Yoda, the wise Jedi Master.  One of his most famous lines is, "Judge me by my size, do you?  And well you should not.  For my ally is the Force, and a powerful ally it is."

In the Star Wars universe, the Force gives a Jedi his power.  Hummingbirds get their power and energy from the sugars found in nectar.  With what and with whom can we ally ourselves to build strength and power?  Perhaps, like the Jedi, it's a focus on prayer and spirituality.  Perhaps, like the hummingbirds, it's a healthy lifestyle and surrounding ourselves with like-minded people.

Each of us is small, but collectively, we are part of something much bigger.  My daily morning visits at SparkPeople strengthen me for the day.  How about you?  Is there a community that makes you feel powerful?

Edited to add:  Funny that my mother and I blogged about the same idea this morning.  Of course, she is far more eloquent, so if you haven't seen her blog this morning, I suggest you check it out.  "To Have and Have Not - an Unexpected Spark Lesson."

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