Jeanne Backofen Craig

I'm a wife, mother, pianist, and runner living in Central Virginia.
You can learn more about me at
My videos can be found on my YouTube channel.

Thursday, February 23, 2017

There's a SparkTeam for That!

Sometimes I am overwhelmed by the vastness of SparkPeople.  Seriously.  There are so many things to help us on our journey to better health.  Nutrition tracker.  Weight tracker.  Fitness tracker.  SparkRecipes.  Articles.  Videos.  Message Boards.  Challenges.  Blogs.  Goals.  Streaks.  Trophies.  Reports.  SparkMail.

And SparkTeams.

I don't belong to too many teams, but I'm really excited to have found one that is dedicated to something I love.


Yes, there is a SparkTeam of pianists.  It hasn't been active for a while, but I'd love to change that.  Since I began blogging here, there are several of my friends who play and love the instrument.

Would you consider joining our team?

If you don't play the piano, I'd suggest browsing around the SparkTeams.  You know how we hear, "There's an app for that!"  Well, chances are good that whatever your interest is... there's a team for that!  It's always great to make new friends who share our interests.

P.S.  Also, for you pianists who might not know, there's a very active piano forum at PianoWorld.  Whether you're a beginner, a concert pianist, a jazz pianist, a church musician, a technician, or whatever... there is a forum there for you to ask questions and/or give advice.  Check it out!  I'm "coaster" over there.

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